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Why Do Some Streams in My Bank Report Show Earnings of Zero?
Why Do Some Streams in My Bank Report Show Earnings of Zero?
Updated over a week ago

When it comes to calculating royalties on streaming services, there are a variety of factors that come into play. For instance, some streaming companies might not pay out royalties for listeners who are currently on a free trial or other promotional deal. It's also worth noting that certain services, such as Spotify, divide the revenue pie on a country-by-country basis. This means that if your stream occurs in a smaller country with fewer Spotify subscribers or ads, the payments you receive may be less than a penny.

It's important to keep in mind that each individual streaming service has their own unique payout structure, and the amount that each store pays out can vary significantly. Unfortunately, we're not able to provide specific information on how much each service pays out. This is something that is determined exclusively by each individual service, and can change at any time.

At Anti-Joy, we're committed to passing on 100% of the royalties we receive from streaming services for your streams and sales. However, it's worth noting that there may be banking fees and applicable taxes that are deducted from your royalties. To get a better idea of current rates, we recommend checking out the FAQs on each individual streaming service's website, or doing a bit of research online.

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