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How Much Do Streaming Services Pay Per Stream?
How Much Do Streaming Services Pay Per Stream?
Updated over a week ago

When it comes to calculating streaming and sales rates, it's important to note that the rates vary depending on the service being used. Anti-Joy has no control over the rates that streaming services pay. However, we always ensure that we pass on 100% of the earnings we receive from these services to our artists, minus banking fees and applicable taxes.

One of the factors that services use to calculate rates is the pro rata model. This model involves pooling together all the revenue from a product tier and setting aside a percentage for artists. The remaining revenue is then allocated to songs based on their share of the total streams on that product tier. For example, if a service has $1,000 to distribute for their paid subscription tier that accumulated 10 million total streams for the month, and your song was streamed 1,500 times, your earnings would be calculated based on your song's share of the total streams.

It's worth noting that streaming rates vary from service to service and are subject to change. To get a better understanding of how earnings are calculated on their end, Spotify has a helpful video that explains their process.

For services that sell digital downloads for your release, the industry standard is that up to 30% of each sale goes to the service, while the remaining 70% goes to the artist. Overall, it's important to keep in mind that while we can't control the rates that services pay, we always strive to pass on as much earnings as possible to our users.

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