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Can I Save My Reports to a File and Open It in a Spreadsheet?
Can I Save My Reports to a File and Open It in a Spreadsheet?
Updated over a week ago

Certainly. If you wish to review the detailed information about your streams and sales once stores have reported your earnings, you can follow these steps:

1. Click on "More" from the main menu.

2. Select "Reports" from the drop-down menu.

3. Choose the report that you want to view.

4. You can either download the report by clicking on the download icon or open the "Detailed View."

5. The report will be saved in .xlsx format, which can be opened in any spreadsheet software of your choosing, such as Excel or Google Docs.

6. Once you have accessed the report, you can sort the data to sum up royalties per artist, release, or any other category.

Please note that if you have a considerable number of streams or sales, generating the report may take a minute or so, and the file size can get significant. For instance, a spreadsheet file with 150,000 rows would be around 14mb.

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